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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 3 - January 21, 2021

State of Kansas

Secretary of State

Notice of Forfeiture

In accordance with Kansas statutes, the following business entities organized under the laws of Kansas and the foreign business entities authorized to do business in Kansas were forfeited during the month of December 2020 for failure to timely file an annual report and pay the annual report fee.

Please Note: The following list represents business entities forfeited in December. Any business entity listed may have filed for reinstatement and be considered in good standing. To check the status of a business entity, go to the Kansas Business Center’s Business Entity Search Station at (select Business Entity Database) or contact the Business Services Division at 785-296-4564.

Domestic Business Entities

AAPC, Inc., Basehor, KS
All Bases CFO, L.L.C.
Appraisal Services of Mid-Kansas, Inc., Hutchinson, KS
Catch A Case Co., Wichita, KS
Church of New Wine, Wichita, KS
DMB Midwest, Inc., Overland Park, KS
Galena Lodge #677 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Galena, KS
GTC, LLC, Lenexa, KS
Heart Planet Earth Fund, Overland Park, KS
HT Ranch, Inc., Belleville, KS
Industrial Manufacturing & Repair Service, Inc., Garden City, KS
Johnson County Dance Center Corporation, Olathe, KS
K Kellerman Roofing, LLC
Logical Logistics, Inc., Olathe, KS
Marion County-Wide Saddle Club, Lincolnville, KS
Maxx, LLC—Series 02, Lorraine, KS
Melise Thompson International, Inc., Lenexa, KS
Redinger Agency, Inc., Hutchinson, KS
Scott Construction & Associates Incorporated, Hutchinson, KS
Shawnee Plaza Residences, L.C., Wichita, KS
Silver Corporation, Kansas City, KS
Stage Coach Landing, Inc., Oberlin, KS
The Aging Forum, Inc., Silver Lake, KS
The Power and the Glory Ministry Association, Olathe, KS
The Smith County Historical Society, Smith Center, KS
TROPLM Enterprises, LLC, Plano, TX
Ward Manlift Service, Inc., Hutchinson, KS
WYCO Sisterhood Foundation, Inc., Hays, KS

Foreign Business Entities

Alpha Source Homes, Inc., Lees Summit, MO
American Royal Association, Topeka, KS
Angel Christian Television Trust, Inc., Orlando, FL
DME Electronics Company, Inc., Haysville, KS
Dorsar Investment Management, LLC, El Paso, TX
General Pet Supply Midwest, LLC, Milwaukee, WI
General Pet Supply, Inc., Milwaukee, WI
Holland and Robertson Ear, Nose & Throat, LLC, Bartlesville, OK
National Retail Workshops, Inc., Lenexa, KS
Team Industrial Services, Inc., Sugar Land, TX
Village West KC, LLC, Topeka, KS

Scott Schwab
Secretary of State

Doc. No. 048770